Thursday, 20 March 2014

Cycling Stories: Caroline, Glasgow Bike Station

photo: Justin Parkes

Ahead of the opening of cycling exhibition 'The Perfect Machine' at Summerlee Museum in July 2014 we are profiling cyclists from around Lanarkshire and Glasgow. Caroline works at the Bike Station in Glasgow (

“I am a Travel Choice Adviser for the 'Better Way to Work' project which is a sustainable travel project. We work with businesses and organisations to encourage people to take other means to get to and from work other than the car, reducing single-occupancy car use.

“From a young age I was interested in cycling. There were always road bikes kicking around whether it was my mum’s childhood bike or my brothers they had BMXs. My first bike I probably got when I was 5 and I used to just cycle up and down the street, back and forth (we lived in a cul-de-sac). I must have driven people crazy, I was literally just going up and down the street. I always remember going cycling with my dad and it would always just be me and my dad. I’ve got two older brothers but they didn’t cycle and they still don’t, they’re not interested in cycling at all so I guess maybe that’s why I liked it so much because my dad really liked it too so that’s probably why I got into it."

If you would like to be featured in 'Cycling Stories' please contact Justin Parkes, Industrial History Curator on 01236 856376;

'The Perfect Machine', Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life, Coatbridge
5 July to 14 September 2014

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